SENyT at 2023 IEEE MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference
SENyT presence at 2023 IEEE MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference.
SENyT presence at 2023 IEEE MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference.
We had the honor to receive the visit of the IEEE Microwave Theory & Technology Society President and other distinguish members of the MTT-S, who gave very interesting talks. The delegation was composed of Prof. Nuno Borges Carvalho, Dr. Goutam Chattopadhyay, Dr. José Ernesto Rayas-Sánchez, and Dr. Glauco Fontgalland. They visited SENyT and GrIDComD facilities and learned about the RF/microwave research lines that we are currently developing at Universidad Nacional de La Plata.